Host Cleaning System

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Host Clean and Dry

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Nationwide coverage – UK sales and distribution throughout the UK


Lease Options

With budgets starting from only £23.00 per week leasing has become an extremely viable financial option for many of our customers; the benefits are many and varied.

Six Reasons Why it's Smarter to Lease!
100% Tax deductible
No initial capital outlay
Competitive low repayment plan
Improves cash-flow (spreads the payment cost)
Annual budget planning is made simple
Gives you immediate access to the latest technology - Today

For further information and free professional advice contact:

Richard Nelson
Account Manager
Kennet Equipment Leasing
Kennet House
Temple Court, Temple Way
Birmingham. B46 1HH

Direct line: 01675 469233

Credit Cards - Find out about Leasing
Range of products